Reeve’s Pheasant
Reeve’s Pheasant is an endemic species of the central China. The species was formerly very common, but nuw its range is highly fragmented and the population is decreasing. The major threats habitat destruction (deforestation) and poaching. These threats together are suspected to be driving a rapid population decline in the species.
■ Included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1988, listed as Vulnerable (VU) since 1994.
■ Listed in Appendix II of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, or Washington Convention).
■ Phylum Chordata – chordates
■ Class Aves – birds
■ Order Galliformes – gallinaceous birds
■ Family Phasianidae – pheasants and partridges
■ Species Syrmaticus reevesii – Reeve’s Pheasant