Sākums About education in zoo

About education in zoo

Riga ZOO offers a variety of educational lessons and excursions, all of which take up 1-2 hours. Authentic animal parts are used in the lessons and excursions as an interactive learning tool. Live animals are used in all lessons. 

Excursions consist of two options: How We Are Different and Animals in Latvia’s Nature and Culture. How We Are Different is our most basic and popular excursion with a guided tour of the zoo. Animals in Latvia’s Nature and Culture is part of the national Skolas Soma programme, for which the cost of a guide is free for educational institutions.  

Lessons consist of two parts: activities in the zoo classroom and a short tour. Riga ZOO offers the lessons listed in the table below.  

 Preschool   Grades 1-3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-9 Grades 9-12 
What are different animal bodies like? – – – 
What do animals do at different times of the year? – – – 
How do wild animals differ from domesticated animals? – – – 
What do different animals eat? – – – 
What animals are found in Latvia’s wilderness? – – – 
Stages of development – – – – 
Animals in different environments: Earth, air, water  – – – – 
The roles of organisms in different ecosystems – – – – 
Ethics of keeping animals in captivity  – – – – 

Disclaimer: Not all excursions and lessons are available in English. To determine whether a lesson or excursion can be offered in English, we ask that you please contact the zoo (phone: +371 22003212; email: zooskola@rigazoo.lv)

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