Sākums Opening times

Opening times

 Booking officesIndoors ExhibitsTropical HouseVisitors may stay on zoo grounds
Winter season (October to April)10:00-16:0010:00-16:3011:00-16:30until 17:00
Winter nights (20 December to 5 January, 9–11 January)10:00-20:0011:00-20:3011:00-20:30until 21:00
24 and 31 December10:00-14:0011.00-14:3011:00-14:30until 15:00
6 to 8 January10:00-16:0011:00-16:3011:00-16:30until 17:00
Summer season10:00-18:0010:00-18:3011.00-18.30until 19:00
The start date of summer and winter seasons is set each year. During the special events, opening times of the zoo might be changed

See opening times of Affiliate Cīruļi

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