Bird Days
Each spring since 1952 Riga Zoo organizes Bird Day with Woodpecker’s Workshop where visitors learn how to make nest boxes for different cavity nesting birds from materials supplied by the Zoo. Every year several hundreds of nest boxes for small cavity nesting birds (tits, flycatchers, redstarts) and starlings are made. Each year we also highlight the conservation problems of some rare species, and nest boxes constructed for this species are set up within protected nature areas in Latvia supporting the research and conservation of these species in the wild. These highlighted species have included Common Kestrel (2006), Goldeneye (2008), Barn Owl (2009), Ural Owl (2010, 2019), Tawny Owl (2011, 2012), European Roller (1013), Hoopoe (2014), Little Owl (2017), Boreal Owl (2018) as well as Forest Dormouse (2007, 2015, 2016). Among Bird Day supporters were Nature Conservation Agency, Latvian Ornithological Society and Latvian Owl Research Society.