Sākums Animals Black-cheeked Lovebird

Black-cheeked Lovebird

IUCN Red List: Vulnerable

Black-cheeked Lovebird occurs in Zambia. The population is decreasing. The major threats are illegal trade, poaching, habitat destruction, virus diseases.


■ Listed as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
■ Listed in Appendix II of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, or Washington Convention).


■ Phylum Chordata – chordates
■ Class Aves – birds
■ Order Psittaciformes – parrots
■ Family Psittacidae – true parrots
■ Species Agapornis nigrigenis – Black-cheeked Lovebird

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